February 25, 1947 – Tuesday afternoon
Dear Mom,
“Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness and long suffering. Colossians 3:12
Grace and peace in Jesus!
I really was strode (sp?) upon as I read your letter and I thank God for your remembrance: I too, as you were influenced and evidently committed yourself some, think you should “unwind” more and not remain silent in things. I enjoyed the ‘bubble over’ and was definitely inspired.
As I’m finally caught up to a point where I can read some, I was perusing, before I wr0te Miss McKelry, through the Christian Life and Times – January – and came upon the poem last night –
I do not know, I cannot see,
What God’s kind hands prepares for me,
Nor can my glance pierce through the haze
Which covers all my future’s ways
But yet I know that o’er it all
Rules He who notes the sparrow’s fall.
There’s more to it but that struck home the most. Especially back to our conversed topic, “God’s will.”
Last night I was pressed for time, I’d been busy and gone to chow late to avoid the line. When I got there, there was a line and the line was out of one item of chow and waiting. My mind runs to James 1:2-4 – “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations, knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience, but let patience have her perfect work that ye may be perfect and entire wanting nothing.”
I was peeved but I got out my testament and found victory over it and God blessed me there with something I couldn’t have gotten any other way. It’s hard to see why that’s the Lords will! Christians don’t have accidents or luck of any kind, do they? Isaiah 58:11 – and the Lord will guide you continually and Psalm 139 says God knows our words before they are ever spoken. Yielded to Him we have an unfailing guidance, don’t we?
Now, let’s go back to when I ran out of gas? I’ll admit I wasn’t looking up or I’d have remembered but that night while procuring that gas did you meet anyone you might not have otherwise? Did you understand anyone better? I’ll take it from my side but once home we started talking and crossed tempers and discussed your back and pain. I understood you better and knew better how to pray for you and I hope you did the same for me. I came to realize how God places pain upon and chastises those He loves!
Like Revelation 3:19 says. It meant something to me when Dr. French told us the story of an old lady who lay in pain on a hospital bed year after year, occasionally leaving but having to return again. When questioned in sympathy she said “I prefer the pain and bed because I’m closer to God that way!” Something she couldn’t help but was God’s will because there she was a better child. It is strange how God does act but it’s a blessings in the end if we really look.
It’s hard for me to do any concluding about Edna’s situation. I fell plan should precede order even though we all get careless at times. I was talking to Joe about it and he brought up the idea that everyone can’t go out and minister – just like the ‘Christian Card’ you sent me. Some are chosen by God to do the humble – so called – dirty work – like Mary and Martha’s entertaining Jesus. I’m not to say but the reward in Heaven will attend to that. It does seem Aunt Grace does the work but she should some ways glory in Edna’s success for the Lord because she helped bring it about. For ye have need of patience that after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. (Heb. 10:36)
No matter how we stumble I sincerely believe God has placed it there to draw me nearer to Him and in spite of how we have looked up to Him, He will abundantly bless it. I do pray Mother that you will be guided to see God’s way and things that go on about you be taken calmly and with searching mind as to Scriptural foundation. I hope you’ll make intercession for me because I am so very weak and God-swerving. I don’t stand and proclaim my assumption as the ‘only’ but it is the way I feel God has enacted in my life.
I strive daily, very weakly though, to stand on Scriptures which give me instruction in all sufficiency – because whereas I read in those black – bound pages, God has inspired men to write those words to men regardless of the individual.
I can surely see how Satan can work against getting down to school work! I see it in my own strife. How much I’d rather study Bible when I must suffice and put up with school and teaching and helping this or that student and preparing charts to help. Last night I read L’Tournea’s advice in February’s CLYT. He himself is an all out Christian and yet he runs a technical sciences college. Everybody can’t be missionaries or ministers in full time service and even if hindered by a material world as we often feel, God is just preparing us for further work but depending upon our daily testimony among workers of the world. It was surely a lesson to me. Where I am is His will, and I’m through turning down opportunities to glorify Christ!
Point it out to her. As far as school goes, we must try and we must have faith that God is able in all things but we surely can’t try Him. My own life, typically young, follows Edna’s in the same way , a lot of ways, yet I cannot say yea nor noth, because I ponder on them too. Where God has willed and prayers has been dedicated, which might all act in a few seconds, is good, but I’ve rushed into too many things and seen distasteful results. What do you think?
It is surely strange – here I’ve been a Seaman first for nearly a year and bingo! What? I’m going to Seaman school! To earn my Seaman first, or lose it! An hour a day isn’t bad and I do enjoy it. I finally saw improvement toward my possibility of going to CTO – perhaps next Monday or two weeks from Monday I start, or maybe not at all. Seaman school is preparing me for school (CTO) and CTO, preparing me for college. See! Planning and not even sure but it does seem evident and I’m praying for His will. It’s wonderful to stand on promises!! His promise to guide. I just hope I’ll always glorify Him!
Have you seen any Royal portables yet? I haven’t seen any so I’ve lined up a Remington for $60. It appears that I am always asking for loans but could you send it without any special trouble please by Saturday, or at least till by Monday cause the fella’s holding it for me, and the sooner the better, for it is a good deal all around.
It’s in good shape and when and if I get a Royal, typewriters are so hard to get, I can sell it very easily and take the Royal. If you have spotted a Royal at home though and can send it reasonably do so and I’ll gradually repay you. I might as well use one while I’m waiting? Right? The Lord willing I can’t lose, and I’m praying for his will.
I’m plumb out of vitamin pills and don’t remember the name of the round ones. How’s about some more and the same kind you sent before and Calamine Lotion too! I would wait until I’m out. Some organizer.
I’ve got to get this in the mail specially because of the typewriter money – forgive me please – don’t forget Pop Rowes and Dick Wrights address.
May God shine His Son’s grace upon you and guide you,
In Him, Your son,
Hi Dad!